Molding contour anti-wrinkle treatment


Treatment against wrinkles in Upper Eyelid, better than blepharoplasty without surgery.

The Molding Contour, treatment against wrinkles in upper eyelid is based on the Molding Mask©, performed by Dr. Ramón Roigé.

It is a treatment designed to produce a retraction of the skin of the upper eyelids. It does not need to cut, it does not leave scars and it does not generate changes of expression.

This treatment is an outpatient therapy that is applied under local anesthesia and in the same medical consultation. After a first application of the formula, the treated area is covered with silk tape so that these natural products continue to act, and thus, avoid chafing that may leave wounds.

treatment against wrinkles in upper eyelid

Upper eyelid Molding, a treatment that eliminates the wrinkles around the eye without changing the eye expression.


Once the treatment is done, the patient can go home. After the first 24 hours, you must return to the clinic to remove the small local mask and apply a cream with powders that will improve the renewal of the new skin. The patient should put on the cream for the next seven days. To finish the treatment, the patient should come to the clinic to remove the powder. It leaves the skin without wrinkles, but slightly rosy for a few weeks, being able to make normal life with total sun protection during the first month.